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Jordan and Jerusalem itinerary

Day 1:


Flight from your hometown to Queen Alia International Airport, Amman. *

Arrival at Amman airport, visa formalities and transfer to the hotel. Dinner (only when arrival at the hotel is before 9:00 p.m.) and accommodation.

* The client may choose to take the flight included in the package or buy and book it on their own.

Day 2:


Breakfast. Departure to visit Mount Nebo and be able to admire the panoramic view of the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea from the mountain. This place is important because it was the last place visited by Moses and from where the prophet saw the promised land, which he would never reach. Continue to Um Er-Rasas. The most important discovery at this site was the mosaic floor of the Church of Saint Stephen, made in 785 and discovered after 1986. The perfectly preserved mosaic floor is the largest in Jordan. In the central panel, hunting and fishing scenes are represented, while another panel illustrates the most important cities of the region. After the visit, departure to Shobak Castle, a lonely reminder of the former glory of the Crusaders and built in the year 1115 by King Baudouin as a place of defense on the road between Damascus and Egypt. The Castle is located less than an hour north of Petra, was once called "Mont Realo Mons Regalis" and is nestled on the side of a mountain, on a large area of fruit trees. Departure to Petra. Dinner and accommodation.

What will you see today?

Day 3:


Breakfast. Full day dedicated to the visit of the pink city, the capital of the Nabateans. During the visit, we will get to know the most important and representative monuments carved in the rock by the Nabateans. The Treasury, famous and internationally known monument made into a movie in one of the Indiana Jones movies, the Colored Tombs, the Royal Tombs, etc. Petra is one of those places in the world where you have to go at least once in your life. At the end of the visit, in the afternoon, return to the hotel. Dinner and accommodation.

Day 4:


Breakfast. Departure to the area known as "Little Petra", just 15 km north of Petra. A gorge barely 2 meters wide with its typical Nabataean architecture makes this visit unique and incomparable. It was inhabited by the Nabateans and has many tombs, water basins and channels, a small path leading to some part of the inner area, Siq Al Bared, the scale of this area and the fact that it is the continuation of Petra, gave it the Little Petra's name. After this stop, continue to Wadi Rum, the Lawrence of Arabia desert. Here we will take a tour of approximately two hours in 4x4 vehicles driven by the Bedouins and it consists of a small excursion through the lunar landscape of this desert. We will enter the pink sands of this desert, which has a special charm provided by the granite massifs that nature has modeled with whimsical shapes. After the visit, departure to Amman. Arrival at the hotel, dinner and accommodation.

What will you see today?

Day 5:

AMMAN - Border Allenby O Sheikh Hussein – BETHLEHEM – JERUSALEM

Breakfast and departure to the Jordan-Israel border. (This border needs time to carry out the procedures) The border crossing requires a transfer by public transport -Shuttle bus- from the Jordanian side to the Israeli side. The costs of this service are not included and must be paid directly when boarding the bus. Once the procedures for the border crossing have been completed, departure towards Bethlehem, where there will be a panoramic visit including the Church of the Nativity and the Campo de los Pastores. After the visit, continue to Jerusalem. Dinner and accommodation. (Both for the border crossing and for the visit to Bethlehem it is essential to carry your passport)

Day 6:


Breakfast. Day dedicated to getting to know the city of Jerusalem. From the Mount of Olives you will enjoy a panoramic view of the Ancient city. Visit to the Tomb of King David, Cenacle and Dormition Abbey. Continuation to the Old City visiting the Armenian quarter, the Jewish quarter, El Cardo, the Wailing Wall, the Christian quarter, the Via Dolorosa and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. We will continue to the Modern City, View of the Knesset (parliament) and visit Yad Vashem, a Holocaust memorial museum. Back to the hotel. Dinner and accommodation.

What will you see today?

Day 7:

JERUSALEM – Allenby OR Sheikh Hussein Border – DEAD SEA – JERASH – AMMAN

Breakfast and departure to the border to return to Jordan. Once the border procedures are completed, we continue to the Dead Sea, going down to almost 400 meters below sea level, its salinity and minerals offer curative possibilities for different diseases. Continuation to the city of Jerash or "Gerasa", a Greco-Roman city and one of the cities of the Decapolis known as the "Pompeii of the East" for its importance and its magnificent state of conservation. Jerash is located north of Amman, approximately 45 km and an hour away by road. During the excursion, we will visit the Arc de Triomphe, the Oval Square, Hadrian's Gate, the Hippodrome, the Cardo Máximo, the Colonnade, the Temple of Aphrodite, Zeus and Artemis and ending at the Roman Theater, with wonderful acoustics. . After the visit, departure to Amman. Arrival at the hotel, dinner and accommodation.

What will you see today?

Day 8:


Breakfast and transfer to the airport.

Flight from Queen Alia International Airport, Amman to your hometown. *

* The client may choose to take the flight included in the package or buy and book it on their own.